I have been on a few sides of Valentine’s Day; the single woman lonely and feeling unloved, the married woman putting entirely too many unrealistic expectations on my poor unsuspecting husband, the Mommy busy to get all the Valentine’s done and sent to school forgetting entirely about myself getting all wrapped up in the kids and the birthmom, thinking about and loving my child from a distance as I do every day.
All have had different feelings. As a birthmom you would probably not think this particular holiday affected me much but it does. A since of sadness comes over me. I sit hoping her parents will help her make Valentine’s and hoping she always has the love of a father and mother who on Valentine’s Day shows her, her very own importance and worth in this world.
All have had different feelings. As a birthmom you would probably not think this particular holiday affected me much but it does. A since of sadness comes over me. I sit hoping her parents will help her make Valentine’s and hoping she always has the love of a father and mother who on Valentine’s Day shows her, her very own importance and worth in this world.
Then one day I received the best Valentine Ever and it helped me to put my feelings into a new perspective. Below I'll share with you that Valentine.
True Love
For God so loVed the world,
That he gAve
his onLy
That whosoever
believeth In him
should Not perish,
but have Everlasting life."
Best Valentine EVER is right! <3