I was 23 so I was not too young, but I hadn't fully accepted the fact that I pregnant. Although I was 23, I was still sheltered growing up so I never thought something like this would happen to me unless I was ready. Let me back that up with saying that having Noah is the best thing I have ever done, but I wish I was under different circumstances when I had him.
My mom was in critical condition in the hospital for 2 months while I was pregnant, then was in the hospital for another 2 months learning how to walk again, so my mind was elsewhere and I didn't have much time to really soak in the idea that I was going to be having a baby boy in just a couple months.
Because Noah was such a chub, we ended up scheduling for me to be induced at 40 weeks with pitocin. I asked my dad not to be in the room because I didn't want him to see me in labor. My dad was so supportive throughout my pregnancy and the decision of adoption, but I knew that I had disappointed him getting pregnant before being married. I love my dad but I didn't want him to see the vulnerability of me going through the process of pushing my baby out. Honestly, I even had my mom leave the room when I began having contractions because I just wanted to be alone. At this point, I wasn't sad, mad, or anything really. I was numb because I did not take the time to truly bond with my sweet boy while I was pregnant. I had mapped out a perfect plan previous to him being born so that I would not be on the same floor as him because I knew it would be too difficult. I went all routes to ensure I would not feel pain (what did I know?).
I spent all day on the 23rd watching Netflix and sneaking in some goldfish. I couldn't help it! How did they expect a hormonal pregnant woman to not eat for THAT long?! Haha. Around me being 4 cm dilated, I gave it up and got the epidural. By the way...best invention ever. Not long after, they measured me and I was dilated 6 inches. Things were going well! Unfortunately, I didn't dilate much after 5 hours so my OBGYN recommended a C section. While this was all going in, the A parents were on their way in from out of town (going through a tornado on the way...stressful much?). They actually got into the hospital 10 minutes before I was rolled into the surgery room. I know they were so scared and nervous! I had told my mom going in that her job was the photographer and not to worry about me. I wanted to make sure that the adoptive parents had a ton of photos to look at and felt like they were there. I would have allowed the A mom into the delivery room if they allowed two, but unfortunately most hospitals only allow one..and I needed my mom.
So I won't give you all the details of the C section besides me having a minor anxiety attack before Noah was born. I was just so scared and nervous with all these doctors hovering over me and just wanted to make sure Noah was going to be okay. So at 11:10, Noah was born!! He didn't cry immediately...10 hours later (20 seconds) he finally cried! Sweetest sound I had ever heard. My mom brought him over but I told her I didn't want to see him yet because I was drifting in and out (I think the sedation had me going in and out of consciousness). I wanted to remember that precious moment forever. Five long minutes later, my mom brought him over and we looked at each other for the first time. He was stretching those lungs but when my mom brought him over and he touched my chest, he stopped crying completely and smiled. Never have I felt love like that!! He is and forever will be the light of my life.
Lots of Love,
**Next week comes part 2: The Hospital Experience (After Labor)**
**Next week comes part 2: The Hospital Experience (After Labor)**
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