Friday, March 12, 2010

Mad Hatter's Tea Party T-Shirts

T-Shirts are available for the Birthmother's Day Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Click here for more information and an order form.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Waiting List

Because so many people have already registered for the Birthmom’s Day Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, we are now officially going to a waiting list. If you want to attend and haven't registered/RSVPed yet, you'll want to email immediately and get your name on the waiting list because as space opens up we'll offer it in order of those who got on the waiting list first.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Quote of the Week: The Beginning

"The world is round, and 
the place which may seem like the end, 

may also be the beginning."
-  Ivy Baker Priest