As my pregnancy progressed, everything terrified me. If I hadn't felt my baby move for a few hours, I immediately thought the worst. I couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen, even though things were progressing completely normally. I genuinely felt that, after everything I had been through, there was no way I would finally get my happy ending.
Fast forward a few months and a week long NICU stay, and we were finally able to bring our perfect 8 pound 9 ounce baby girl home. I was immediately struck by the amount of love I felt for such a tiny little stranger. When I placed my second child, I spent most of my pregnancy avoiding much of a connection with her. This time, I embraced the connection fully. I immersed myself in every piece of Motherhood, from the sleepless nights, to breastfeeding, to diaper changes, and everything in between.
I was in newborn heaven. I was also completely overwhelmed by the demands of two children. Although I had quite a age gap between my kids (my oldest was almost 6 when my youngest was born), I still struggled meeting the demands of both my children, while still providing the basic necessities for myself. My husband was extremely helpful during this time, as he took a month off from work to be with us at home.
This is when it really hit me that my decision to place my second child was the correct one. I always knew it was, but after I had a taste of parenting multiple children it became even more clear. I struggled with the demands as a 24 year old married woman with a wonderfully supportive partner. I have no idea how things would have been if I had attempted this feat as a 20 year old single Mom who had just exited an abusive relationship and was working part time at a pizza place while struggling to afford a single wide trailer.
Since my youngest daughter's birth, ever milestone she has reached has served as another reminder to me that adoption was the best choice for my second baby. Adoption was the best choice for my newborn, my crawling baby, my teething baby, my toddler, and every stage that has and will still come.
Has anyone else had a baby after their placement? What has surprised you about the experience?
I've had 3 after I placed my first. She just turned 19 I was 16 when i gave birth.