Wow. I don't even have words to describe this past weekend but I am going to try.
Friday night we went to dinner. It was the first time I had ever met any of these ladies and the friendship....the bond...was instant. It was almost overwhelming how instant the connection was between each of us. I felt free. These were my sisters. Women who had walked in my shoes and still are. We all had different stories, some very similar, some not. But we are all women who love our children and all are women who live each day without them.
Saturday was time for the actual event. We had speakers, breakout sessions, crafts, we did a balloon release with letters written to our children, a touching candle light service where we all lit a candle in honor of our child and said a prayer for them. Lots of laughter and tears. The tears were different from any tears I have shed before...these were healing tears. These were freeing tears. And most of all these were shared tears.
I'm taking away from this new friendships, new sisters, healing, memories, freedom, and a feeling of no longer being alone in this.
This is a weekend that I will think about often for awhile I'm sure. Next year's event can't come soon enough!
Photo Credit: Coley S.
It was such a beautifully planned event that was made extra special by all the special memorable theme by the super talented planners. Thank you for letting me be a part of your celebration! You are all amazing women and I was honored to meet you all and learn so much from the ladies I had the chance to talk to. My wish made during the candlelight ceremony is in the works of coming true...all inspired by wonderful, beautiful women like you! Katrina O