Seven months after the placement of my birthson, I
was sitting in a chair next to my mom at church when the preacher
called for all mothers to stand up. It was Mother's Day.
My mom
stood and I was caught in a mental and physical trap, starting to stand,
starting to sit. Yes, I gave birth...but am I a mom? What would
everyone think, knowing I had no child to mother?
My mom looked at me and pulled me up.
Decision made.
Day is one of the most difficult days for most birthmothers that I
know, myself included, especially in the beginning. Mother's Day
forces us into a corner, which can be especially uncomfortable for those
of us who haven't quite figured out where we fit, and who maybe haven't
told and don't wish to tell those outside our close friends and family.
Despite that decision to have a level of privacy, it can be
heartbreaking and a source of insecurity if Mother's Day comes and goes,
and no recognition is given to the birthmother, the mother without her
What may be on our minds all day and the day before and the
day after, may never even cross the minds of those on the outside,
simply because they haven't been in our shoes and don't realize the
impact of such a day. We can't blame them, but that doesn't make it any
Personally, this is why Birthmother's Day, the day before
Mother's Day, and the celebration dinner offered by our adoption
counselors was/is a much-needed escape and comfort to me. I know there are
conflicted feelings, I know it would be easier if we could just be
recognized as mothers and join in with everyone else on normal Mother's
Day, but for me this was the outlet I needed to get through Mother's Day
as I navigated the tumultuous and unfamiliar waters of healing. As the
years go on, many feel comfortable celebrating Mother's Day - and that's
great, that's something I desperately wished I could have found the strength
and courage to do many years ago.
Recognition, acknowledgement is
what is important. Support is necessary. My heart hurts to imagine the
pain of so many birthmothers who lived during the era of unwed mother's
homes and silence surrounding adoption; mothers who had to return home,
never to speak of what happened again. Every day would have been
Mother's Day to them; uncomfortable, unnoticed, painful, confusing,
So, whether it's on Birthmother's Day, whether it's
a celebration specifically for a group of birthmothers, or whether it's
Mother's Day and with your family or significant other or close
friends: find that recognition and support. Lean on those who care for
you, whether it's people who have always been there for you, or a
handful of new women that have been brought into your life because of
their life-changing decision that you can relate to so well.
are mothers. We aren't parenting our children and we do stand apart
from traditional mothers - it's okay to acknowledge that difference -
but that doesn't mean we go back to who we used to be; that doesn't mean
we're the same as those who have never had children. Pregnancy,
delivery and the decision to give our children what we couldn't provide
are things that will change us and will never leave us. In order to
properly heal, it is just necessary that we, in our own time and on our
own terms, open up about our experiences and feelings, hurts and
progress, even if just to a handful of trusted people. It's important,
especially in the beginning, to have someone else tell you that you
belong, you're not alone, and what you did was important, what you
experienced was big, and what you're going through is healthy, normal,
and that you'll find your way out of the emotional chaos to the other
side eventually.
So, don't be afraid to celebrate this Mother's Day in whatever way makes you comfortable, and brings your heart peace!
Photo Credit
Wow! Thank you for your post. I can relate to women who struggle through mother day with infertility, I've been there. But, it never crossed my mind that there are some out there who have delivered but need to be delivered from the insecurities and isolation of 'where do I fit? Am I accepted in the mothers club?' to me it seems to be a no brainer! Girly, you'd shirly be nudged out of your seat at my church. However, you sharing the privacy part makes me wonder if anyone I know is a mother and I've never known it. As a wife to a pastor, thank you for opening my eyes to a sensitive subject that I was blind to. I pray my ability to minister and love well it better for this post. Thanks again, Gina from